起飛日期:2345, Dec 23, 2009(Wed) 飛行時間:13HR25MIN from Hong Kong Intl Airport to London Heathrow 抵達地點:T5 of London Heathrow Intl Airport.Krispykreme Dognut(方便素) 主題相簿:2009 U.K. Trip-Part 1、Part 2、Part 3、Par […]…
歐洲 Europe
起飛時間:1955 on Dec 22, 2009 飛行時間:1HR50MIN from Taipei to Hong Kong 轉機停留:Hong Kong Intl Airport from 2140 to 2345 主題相簿:2009 U.K. Trip-Part 1、Part 2、Part 3、Part 4、Part 5 —-…